Words are Powerful

Words – so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne

Words are PowerfulWritten or spoken, words can have a profound effect on the people they reach. They lift us up, drag us down, wound us deeply, or heal our hearts. Words are like scalpels, every bit as sharp as a surgeon’s tools, and sometimes almost as dangerous. They have the power to break confidences, end relationships, build lifelong alliances, or start wars.

Words are a powerful force and the potent effects of negative words cannot be underestimated. We all know how degrading it feels to be insulted or be told that we are deficient in some way.

We are all guilty of saying things we wish we wouldn’t have. Recently, my words got me into a lot of trouble with my most cherished friend. Having been out of work for months from a job loss, anger and constant rejection sent me spewing venom and uttering mean words treating him unfairly. Instantly, I regretted my words. But, I realized that as soon as the words escaped my lips, they could never be taken back. Sometimes a single remark can remain stuck in the brain for life serving as a toxic seed that grows. This is a sad story and a vivid example of just how a few words can ignite a fire. If only I could take back a few mean words that I said in a moment of annoyance, I would. But it is too late. I wish that I could have tamed my tongue while I had the chance.Please and Thank You

Please and Thank You…

Three little words with an enormous amount of power! When I was young, like most of us, I heard the secret of the magic words which almost always worked. ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ were always on top of my mom’s list, and I remember she would demonstrate to us how the toughest hearts could melt when you speak the words earnestly, humbly, and not to forget politely. Oftentimes mom would like to experiment with it around dad who liked to be in control. But my dad’s heart would just melt especially around us girls.

These three simple little words not only make a person feel appreciated, but they are uplifting. The practice of saying please and thank you is something that I implement in my everyday life and comes naturally to me.

What an impact you can have!

Your words have power and can impact a life so choose them wisely, and…

Thank you for reading my blog.