
As you search the job boards, you may notice that internship hunting season is upon us and is quickly becoming commonplace—at least on college campuses. Many universities require seniors to complete an internship in order to learn more about their proposed career. College Career Centers help connect employers seeking interns with students looking for field experience. Internships can vary in nature depending on the employer and the student. Furthermore, they can range from local to international, for-credit or not, paid or unpaid.

The hope of gaining a competitive advantage for future employment has increased both the number and quality of internship applications. In today’s economy, internships have become a significant and important way for graduates to catch the eye of potential employers.

Even employers place more importance on their own internship programs as a recruiting tool for full-time employees.

Internship programs have taken a lot of heat over the past few years. Some for good reason—not every internship is legal according to the Fair Labor Standards Act, especially opportunities where for-profit companies expect candidates to work full-time for no pay.


Internship Law 101

As more internships have developed across the country, Congress passed a number of laws regulating them, including the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. More recently, the Department of Labor has come up with six conditions that firms must meet when offering unpaid internships. As long as companies abide by the laws surrounding internship programs, these opportunities should not be written off.

  1. The internship must be similar to training that would be given in an educational environment;
  2. The internship must be for the benefit of the intern;
  3. The intern does not displace regular employees;
  4. The employer derives no immediate advantage from the intern;
  5. The intern is not entitled to a job at the end of the internship; and
  6. The intern understands that he or she is not entitled to wages.

Benefits of Internships

Besides getting a foot in the door with a potential employer and looking good on a résumé, internships have other advantages:

Internship Benefits

Gain Industry Knowledge You Don’t Learn in College

I took a different approach to interning. Returning to college as a highly motivated adult, I was looking to transition into the field of marketing communications after graduation. When I lost my job in healthcare, I decided to pursue an internship in my new chosen field. In 2015 my internship in marketing and communications with the Alzheimer’s Association Greater Maryland Chapter was productive and inspiring. During my undergrad coursework, I learned concepts and theories but I didn’t have the practical hands-on experience necessary for the workforce and this is where the benefits of my internship became apparent.

Acquiring New Skills

Employers know that internships are designed to be learning experiences for students, so not only do you get to participate in multiple tasks, but you are given the hands-on training and feedback that empower you to leave your internship with the confidence to tackle any task at your next job.

I remember very clearly my experience as an intern. I developed digital marketing collateral in line with brand standards that included postcards, brochures, print ads, digital ads, banners, posters, and website images. Additionally, I was assigned an interesting social media project where I created photographic and video communications from storyboarding to publishing in a weekly video series. These videos were then posted to a different media channel. Now, I can demonstrate new talents to prospective employers.

Establishing Relationships and Chances to Network

Another benefit I took away from my internship was the personal references I can use when prospective employers ask for them. While interning at Alzheimer’s Association, I’ve also been able to do some networking and got a few informational interviews and prospective leads on other workplaces that might be hiring.

Your Confidence Will Improve

I’m in the process of searching for a job, and I have a great résumé. I have the confidence and I have the names, references, and organizations to back me up.

In conclusion, internships are a proven way to gain knowledge, skills, and experience while establishing important networks in the field. Moreover, internships are a great way to find out if a specific field is something you could see yourself doing as a full-time job.